Saturday, May 16, 2015

Day 3 & 4: Puerto Iguazu

It took about almost 2 hours flying from Buenos Aires to Iguazu. For this I need to bangun awal, had basic breakfast (no cereal) because it's too early for hotel to prepare. Pick up time was at 7am to airport. I don't bother to think I'm in Argentina during online check in so I took aisle seating as usual. Then I only realized lepas pakcik Jepun keep snapping his camera tepi tingkap, enjoying the view. Lesson learnt, the next 3 consecutives domestic flight duduk tepi tingkap je; hasilnya tak mengecewakan. Arigato gozaimas sensei!

Upon arrival at Puerto Iguazu I was picked up by travel agent with a van can fit about 16 people max; masalahnya only 2 of us! Memang like a boss. The whole trip kat Iguazu memang like a boss, macam private tour padahal dalam package shared service. Syukur! 


Sampai hotel terus unpack, panaskan nasi yang dah masak dari BA lagi, makan dengan lauk ayam kicap (canned food) & sambal hitam. Solat then terus siap untuk first excursion, Iguazu Falls visit at Brazil side. Wohooo. Then I met Rene Sosa the tour guide, very nice person and immediately became my FB friends. Immigration control in Argentina and Brazil tak macam Miri-Brunei; tak kena isi form dah tak payah bayar toll whatsoever. Side Brazil lagi kelakar, kena parking, turun jalan gi office check ID/ passport. Being le boss, semua Rene yang buat, duduk goyang kaki dalam kereta. Ada juga nampak kereta tak stop pun kat check point, blah gitu je- must be local.

1 comment:

Teeny said...

Keep 'em coming